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Transparent Middle Layer (TML) data management infrastructure

The ICE-D project is an attempt to implement a so-called 'transparent middle layer' data management and software infrastructure for cosmogenic-nuclide data.

Insert some stuff from the proposal here

Link to the paper about this here

Also link to proposal

Data Layer

The Data Layer is a relational database running on a MySQL server. It has a pretty standard relational database design based on a hierarchy of sites (a landform or other grouping of samples that should be considered together), samples (which belong to sites), and geochemical measurements of various types (which belong to samples). The data layer page explains how the database is structured.

Middle Layer

The Middle Layer is a set of calculation services that act on raw data pulled from the database (or from anywhere else) and generate derived quantities such as exposure ages. The so-called online exposure age calculator that has been around for a while is one of these services. These are “web services” that can be accessed by any software that wants a set of exposure ages, or whatever, for analysis. The middle layer page lists the known middle-layer applications and links to some info on how they work.

Analysis Layer

An Analysis Layer application is anything that takes a set of raw cosmogenic-nuclide data, exposure ages derived from that data, or both, and displays or uses it in some way. The ICE-D website is an example analysis layer application.