meta data for this page


This page describes the overall set up and objectives of the ICE-D Cordilleran Ice Sheet database. Email Greg or Joe about adding more to it if interested.


– Overall purpose

– What one might do with exposure-age data from the Cordillera

– Operating principles for determining what a “site” is

– What data are there

– What data are not there

– Comments about data reliability

– If you know about data that are not there, feel free to start a shared google spreadsheet that we can post here and/or add the data yourself! Contact Greg or Joe if you are not yet set up to do so and we would be happy to help get you set up.

– A final note, we are currently using an image of Alaska glaciation for the application photo, which certainly does not encompass the entire Cordillera. If you have a better suggestion for a photo please email us and we can change that.