This is a list of all the tables in the database that are relevant to data entry and maintenance, as well as most analysis applications. These are all the tables that are visible to the 'reader' login. This doesn't include a variety of tables with application back-end and user data.

Tables are listed here generally following the structure (cardinality) of ICE-D and by relevance for data entry and analysis.

Tables used in defining top-level applications

ICE-D is organized at the very top level by “Applications”, or in other words the various research disciplines where cosmogenic nuclides are applied. For example, researchers who reconstruct alpine glacier histories around the world would put their data into the ICE-D ALPINE application. Whereas researchers who use cosmogenic nuclides to constrain fault slip rates by dating offset features would put their data in the ICE-D TECTONICS application.

base_application Details

base_application_sites Details

Tables having to do with geographic sorting

Because each sample has geographic coordinates, there is not really any fundamental reason to include any kind of geographic region assignment in the database. However, there are some geographic sorting tables that are mainly used to make the 'browse by site' functionality in the web server easier to use.

base_continent Details

base_sector Details

base_region Details

Primary site and sample definition tables

These tables are used to describe the numerous field and geologic observations for 'surface' samples and 'core' samples collected on landforms. In general, landforms associated with specific geologic events

base_site Details

base_sample Details

base_core Details

base_coresample Details

base_coresamplenuclidematch Details

Measurement tables

Tables storing data about geochemical measurements on a sample, including cosmogenic nuclide concentrations and other compositional data

_be10_al26_quartz Details

_c14_quartz Details

_cl36 Details

_he3_pxol Details

_he3_quartz Details

_major_element Details

_ne21_quartz Details

_trace_element Details

_u_th_quartz Details

Tables involved in associating samples with publications

base_publication Details

base_samplepublicationsmatch Details

Tables involved in associating samples with images or other data

base_imagefile Details

base_imagefilescores Details

base_imageurlpath Details

base_document Details

base_sampledocumentmatch Details

base_sampleuserdata Details

base_userfieldsproperty Details

Tables used for organizing samples into collections

Mostly the function of these is to organize data for more intelligible display on the web server.

base_calibrationdata Details

base_calibrationdatasample Details

base_project Details

base_project_cores Details

base_fundingsource Details

base_project_funding_sources Details

base_project_samples Details

Tables maintained automatically by the server

These tables don't contain any user-generated data, so are not involved in data upload, but can be used in queries.

base_calculatedage Details

Additional tables

Tables with ancillary data that are not commonly used.

base_al_stds Details

base_be_stds Details

base_fieldpropername Details