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pluginto:webpage_scraping [2022/06/03 23:08] gregbalcopluginto:webpage_scraping [2022/06/04 03:52] (current) gregbalco
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 which you can then use to calculate exposure ages, or whatever. which you can then use to calculate exposure ages, or whatever.
-webpage that contains Cl-36 data will have that as a separate formatted block with tags that look like+Likewise, a webpage that contains Cl-36 data will have the text input data as a separate formatted block with tags that look like:
 <code> <code>
-<!-- begin Cl36 --><pre></pre><!-- end Cl36 -->+<!-- begin Cl36 --><pre> ... </pre><!-- end Cl36 -->
 </code> </code>
-So you can extract it from the HTML string using a similar approach and do something with it+which you can extract from the HTML string similarly