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ICE-D contributors

This page lists people and organizations who are involved with the project, more or less what they are doing, and how others can contribute.


Project PIs: Greg Balco, Ben Laabs

Top level

Architect and lead developer – Greg Balco

Co-PIs of development/workshop project – Greg Balco, Ben Laabs

Postdoc associated with the project (as of 1/1/2022) – Joe Tulenko

Students working on ICE-D science applications – Larkin Walter, Madeline Waldock

Focus area maintainers

Folks who have helped with data upload and quality control for various focus area databases.

ICE-D:ANTARCTICA – Greg Balco, Perry Spector, Brent Goehring, Keir Nichols, Ryan Venturelli

ICE-D:ALPINE – Greg Balco, Pierre-Henri Blard, Shaun Eaves, Jakob Heyman, Alan Hidy, Maggie Jackson, Ben Laabs, Jennifer Lamp, Sourav Saha, Mehmet Akif Sarikaya, Irene Schimmelpfennig, Perry Spector, Joe Tulenko, Allie Koester, Philip Li, Maddy Waldock, Marissa Tremblay, Nat Lifton, Dave Marchetti, Ryan Venturelli, Leah Morgan, Kelly Thomson, Brendon Quirk

ICE-D:CALIBRATION – Greg Balco, Pierre-Henri Blard

ICE-D:GREENLAND – Greg Balco, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Jason Briner, Brandon Graham, Jennifer Lamp, Alia Lesnek, Joe Tulenko, Caleb Walcott, Perry Spector, Karlee Prince, Hayley Martinez, Jane Lund Andersen, Nat Lifton

ICE-D: TECTONICS – Greg Balco, Joe Tulenko, Bailey Nordin, Cho-Hee Lee, Sean Polun, Dick Heermance, Devin McPhillips, Kim Blisniuk, Tandis Bidgoli, Claire Todd, Mike Oskin, Veronica Prush

ICE-D: MASS WASTING – Greg Balco, Joe Tulenko, Brendon Quirk

ICE-D: LAURENTIDE – Greg Balco, Joe Tulenko, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Brandon Graham, Karlee Prince, Sarah Farrell, Chris Halsted, Matt Drew, Alex Sodeman, Will Odom, John Gosse, Allie Koester

ICE-D: FENNOSCANDIA – Greg Balco, Joe Tulenko, Jane Lund Andersen, Maggie Jackson, Ann Rowan

ICE-D: CORDILLERAN ICE SHEET – Greg Balco, Joe Tulenko, Alex Sodeman

Other contributions

Map interfaces for Antarctica and Greenland – Brad Herried, Claire Porter, Danny Im, Shane Loeffler – all at the Polar Geospatial Center

Map interface for ICE-D:ALPINE – Perry Spector

Antarctic data-model comparison and prototype TML implementation for radiocarbon data – Perry Spector

Total software rebuild for version 2: PWV Consultants